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Case Study: 

Scaling a bike delivery service from 0 to over 8,000 deliveries per year.

Business Process Automation
CMS Integration
Architecture & Solution Design
Flammerouge Preview


Workflow Efficiency


Decrease in Admin Costs


Reduction in Cancellations

Key Challenges

Delivering bikes is hard and costly.

With the average bike delivery distance being 54.2km, getting it wrong can cost, a lot. FlammeRouge wanted to optimise their costs of admin, reduce cancellations. and eliminate costly delivery mistakes.

The old way :(

FlammeRouge had to manage client and order information over multiple spreadsheets, opening them up to admin and booking errors, and sinking time into constantly checking delivery availability and ensuring deliveries were allocated correctly.

Getting it wrong was costly, and we stepped in to help.

The new, Applybox way...

We transformed and automated their business workflow by:

  • introducing and adapting a smart CMS integration

  • building an automated 3rd party integration into bike delivery services

  • building in an optimal delivery path mechanism

This allowed FlammeRouge to take bike orders from their website, and quickly, easily and automatically feed them into get delivered in a cost-efficient way, massively improving the customer experience, delivery times, and reducing costs overall.

Technologies & services used

Ruby on Rails
Astronaut checking their phone

"It's astounding at how fast, efficient and good Applybox is."

Jamie M., Owner-Manager of Flamme Rouge

Our process

  • 1. Service Agreement

    We cater an agreement with you depending on your needs. Either continuous build, support, maintenance and updates on a monthly rolling basis, or a one-off build.

  • 2. Kickoff Session

    Our in-house product team help you organise and filter what’s needed for your product or service to succeed. We also work out a delivery plan based on your individual needs.

  • 3. User Stories + Sprint Assignment

    Product requirements are crystallised into a set of user stories we work from. We then plan work in Agile sprints, delivering new features every two weeks.

  • 4. First release cycle + iteration

    We work till an agreed upon first release state, then continue iteration cycles as needed, or deliver a one-off solution if that’s what was agreed.

Confused robot

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